Tone 313 with Britt Hodgen


January 2020
BUTI® (516 videos)
Tone 313 with Britt Hodgen

Tone 313 with Britt Hodgen

Britt Hodgen

Maybe keep the kids away when you press play (some songs have explicit language) on this one! Expect straight fire in this one hour long, high energy workout with Britt! The playlist is on point, as is Britt’s energy. Anybody love that feeling of soreness in your entire core the day after a workout? Do this one.

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Comments (10)

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January 13

I just love Britt's classes, she is my favorite instructor! I am looking forward to more classes by her - I've done all the ones that are on the website ;-) This class was not too intese, very ab focused, with lots of spirals and tucks, and planks and a few crunches. The playlist and her moving to the beats are over the top as usual :-D Super fun and engaging :-)

December 12, 2023

Definitely very core focused.  Always with the fun tunes.  Not too crazy.7

July 17, 2023

This was awesome! Great balance of tough cardio and strength with some good stretches mixed in!

January 07, 2023
Loved this one! Dripping sweat!! 🔥🔥 and the playlist was awesome!! 🔥🔥🤗
August 28, 2022
I think I have now taken all of Britt's classes on this platform. More please!
August 02, 2022
I knew it was gonna be amazing when I broke down during the warmup! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ Fun and challenging!
March 27, 2022
Sooo amazing!!! Love loveeee it!!! Thank you!!
February 22, 2021
Loved it!
February 05, 2021
This class is incredible!! As a yoga and fitness instructor (out of work) i can really tell that this was thought out and balanced!! Man, i feel like i released soooooo much tension and stress! THANK YOU!!!! You are my fave <3
January 27, 2021
Thank you so much, Britt! This was one of the best classes I've taken. Also, I appreciate that you remember all the moves that you do and complete them on both sides. (I find that in many other Buti classes this is unfortunately not the case, as many instructors forget to do the movement on the other side.) Thank you for your beautiful energy and guidance! Namaste.